Wednesday 10 September 2014


We made star biscuits to celebrate Matariki. We all had a turn to mix the ingredients and then we got to eat them in the afternoon.

Monday 1 September 2014

Making butter for science during term 2

Room 6 enjoyed making butter during term 2 for science. 
We were learning all about milk! 
We found out that making butter was a physical change and it took lots of our energy to shake the jar! 
We were lucky to have the butter on some crackers for morning tea - Yummy!

Gardening during EOTC week

We had fun in the sun during EOTC week. 
We planted carrots and lettuce... It was a delicate job as the seedlings were so little. 

We waited 6 weeks for our carrots and lettuce to grow. Unfortunately our lettuce did not last the cold nights we had but we did manage to try some of our carrots and also feed some to the rabbits!